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Music and Protest in the US

WS 2024

Teaching language

Mi 16.10.2024–05.02.2025 10:00–12:00  C03-LG 1 | 333
Kl Fr 31.01.2025 10:00–12:00  C03-LG 1 | 345

B Ang 2021 LKIen#01 // S 3LP   ::264965::
MEd BS 2017 FWAEn#01 // Ku 3LP   ::264966::
MEd BS 2017 FWAEn#02 // Ku 3LP   ::264967::
MEd BS 2023 FWEn#01 // Ku 3LP   ::264963::
MEd BS 2023 FWEn#02 // V 3LP   ::264964::
ZS 801-SprK en#01 // Ku 3LP  ::264968::

This course looks at recent American history through the music that shaped social movements. We will explore how music has reflected and influenced significant changes in the last century while covering topics like civil rights, anti-war protests, feminism, LGBTQ+ activism, and more. By exploring the intersection of music and protest through a sociopolitical lens, students will develop a deeper understanding of the forces and actors currently shaping the social and political landscape of the US. At the same time, all four language skills will be practiced and developed in context. A placement test score of 75+ points is required for participation.


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 = wöchentlicher Termin , ET = Einzeltermin , AB = A- oder B-Woche , Vo = Vorbesprechung , Ex = Exkursion , Kl = Klausur , Tä, At, Wt = täglicher (Block-)Termin , nV = nach Vereinbarung/nicht festgelegt.  = wöchentlicher Termin (meets weekly) , ET = Einzeltermin (meets one time only) , AB = A- oder B-Woche (alternating: “A” or “B” weeks) , Vo = Vorbesprechung (preliminary meeting) , Ex = Exkursion (excursion/study trip) , Kl = Klausur (exam) , Tä, At, Wt = täglicher (Block-)Termin (meets daily/block seminar) , nV = nach Vereinbarung/nicht festgelegt (by appointment, TBA).

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AMG = AudiMaxGebäude , APS = AlteParteiSchule , FG = Forschungsgebäude , GH = Gartenhaus , GSH = Große Sporthalle , HdProjekte = Haus der Projekte , KSyn = Kleine Synagoge , LG = Lehrgebäude , MG = Mitarbeitergbäude , MTV Halle = Männerturnverein Halle , SH JP = Schwimmhalle Johannesplatz , WBS = Willy Brandt School , ZSG = Zentralschulgarten

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