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Introduction to Postcolonial Literature

WS 2023

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Do 19.10.2023–08.02.2024 14:00–16:00  C03-LG 1 | 228
Kl Do 08.02.2024 14:00–16:00  C03-LG 1 | 228
Kl Do 21.03.2024 14:00–16:00  C03-LG 1 | 228

Enrolment via Moodle starting from 1st October with the Key: Postcolonial2023/2024 ------------------------------

B Ang 2012 AA02#03 // S 3LP  ::248214::
B Ang 2021 AA02GL#02 // S 3LP   ::248213::

In this class, we will embark on an exploration of the multifaceted world of postcolonial literature, a field that scrutinizes the profound effects of colonialism and imperialism on literature, culture, and society. Over the course of the semester, we will unravel the intricate web of narratives, voices, and perspectives that emerged as a result of colonialization's far-reaching impact. By critically analyzing works from a diverse array of authors and regions, we will engage in a profound examination of the enduring legacies of colonialism, the complexities of identity, and the myriad forms of resistance that have shaped and continue to shape the postcolonial world. Moreover, the class also focuses on the various facets of the postcolonial theory, identity theory, and the theories of the most important postcolonial theorists including Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak, Homi Bhabha and Frantz Fanon. The theories will be applied on some of the most important narratives, including novels, of the postcolonial movement. One session will also be dedicated to the details of writing a term paper since it will help you through your academic journey.

Paperback: 1. 'Things Fall Apart' by Chinua Achebe (ISBN 978-0-141-02338-0) Penguin Classics. 2. 'The Color Purple' by Alice Walker (ISBN 978-1-4746-0725-4) A W&N Paperback -- Other material will be provided on Moodle

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 = wöchentlicher Termin , ET = Einzeltermin , AB = A- oder B-Woche , Vo = Vorbesprechung , Ex = Exkursion , Kl = Klausur , Tä, At, Wt = täglicher (Block-)Termin , nV = nach Vereinbarung/nicht festgelegt.  = wöchentlicher Termin (meets weekly) , ET = Einzeltermin (meets one time only) , AB = A- oder B-Woche (alternating: “A” or “B” weeks) , Vo = Vorbesprechung (preliminary meeting) , Ex = Exkursion (excursion/study trip) , Kl = Klausur (exam) , Tä, At, Wt = täglicher (Block-)Termin (meets daily/block seminar) , nV = nach Vereinbarung/nicht festgelegt (by appointment, TBA).

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AMG = AudiMaxGebäude , APS = AlteParteiSchule , FG = Forschungsgebäude , GH = Gartenhaus , GSH = Große Sporthalle , HdProjekte = Haus der Projekte , KSyn = Kleine Synagoge , LG = Lehrgebäude , MG = Mitarbeitergbäude , MTV Halle = Männerturnverein Halle , SH JP = Schwimmhalle Johannesplatz , WBS = Willy Brandt School , ZSG = Zentralschulgarten

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