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“The Wellbeing of the Child: Promotion – Protection – Rights”

SS 2022

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Thomas SOJER

Do 07.04.2022–07.07.2022 14:00–16:00  C03-LG 1 | 215  |  Pandemie/Pandemic: ONLINE

Die Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung erfolgt über das zentrale Verteilungsverfahren:

B Ang 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208614::
B EWI 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208620::
B FÖ 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208619::
B Ger 2021 QSFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208605::
B Ges 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208616::
B IntB 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208615::
B KaR 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208608::
B Kom 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208613::
B Kun 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208612::
B Lit 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208611::
B MUS 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208610::
B Phi 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208609::
B PPäd 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208617::
B PSY 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208618::
B Rel 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208604::
B Sta 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208607::
B Stu 2011 MTG#02 // S 6LP  ::208600::
B TEC 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208606::
MTheol KaTh 2009 296SF#01 // S 6LP  ::208601::
MTheol KaTh 2015 A696SF#01 // S 6LP   ::208602::
MTheol KaTh 2021 SFIS#02 // S 6LP   ::208603::

This Seminar is a multi-dimensional course, aimed to students from diverse academic studies who are interested in gaining interdisciplinary knowledge concerning the wellbeing of the children. The purpose of the course is to reflect on the notion of wellbeing of children from some of the most relevant perspectives, such as legal, medical, social, psychological, ethical, theological etc. Students will be able to appreciate and understand the multidimensional aspects that come into play when attending to the wellbeing of children. Different disciplines offer their own valuable contribution and need to be seen in connection to each other. From a methodological perspective: this course will be offered as a Module of the Studium Fundamentale during the summer semester 2022 via online. It consists of a series of weekly lectures given by different experts from around the world. Guest lecturers will give an online 60-minute presentation in their field of expertise and will be available for a 30-minute discussion with the students. All lectures will be held in English. Guest Lecturers The final list of guest speakers will be determined upon prior agreement with the assigned co-teacher. With regard to the subject of the lectures, the guest speakers will be contacted promptly to coordinate and determine the content of their presentations. Proposal 1. Prof. Ernesto Caffo Founder and President of SOS Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus and Foundation Child and Chair Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Modena (Italy), Co-Organizer of an international conference on the child in the digital world with Tiktok, Facebook, Google, etc. 2. Prof. Dr. Karlijn Demasure Director of the Centre for Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Persons at Saint Paul University, Ottawa. 3. Prof. Dr. Gabriel Dy-Liacco, PhD, Psychologist from Manilla (Philippines) Scientific advisory board of the Centre for Child Protection of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Member of the Pontifical Commission for the protection of Minors. 4. Baroness Sheila Hollins, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability at St George’s, University of London, and sits in the House of Lords as an independent crossbench peer, former member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors. 5. Prof. Alexis Jay OBE appointed to the Panel of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in 2015. Visiting Professor at Strathclyde University, where she chairs the Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland. 6. Regina Jensdóttir Head of the Children's Rights Division and Council of Europe Coordinator for the Rights of the Child. 7. Dr. Nuala Patricia Kenny, MD, FRCP member of the Sisters of Charity of Halifax, distinguished career in pediatric medicine, ongoing research on the underlying risk factors for sexual abuse by members of the clergy and the theology of healing. 8. Dr. Najat Maalla M’jid Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children at United Nations. 9. Rev. Dr. James McEvoy Senior lecturer in the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy, Australian Catholic University. 10. Prof. Dr. Benyam Mezmur, Project head of the Children’s rights and Chairperson of the United Nation’s Committee on the Rights of the Child as well as Chairperson of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC), Cape Town (South Africa). 11. Justice Neville Owen, retired High Court Judge Perth Australia, President Truth Justice and Healing Commission Australia which responded to the Royal Commission on Child Sexual Abuse in Australia, Member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors 12. Gabriel Vockel UNICEF deputy representative in Romania. 13. Justice Renate Winter Founding member of the International Institute for the Rights of the Child (IDE) Contributor to the Draft Model Law on Juvenile Justice, the UN Manual on Juvenile Justice, and the Draft Model Law on Child Victims & Witness Protection. 14. Prof. Dr. Myriam Wijlens, Professor of Canon Law, University of Erfurt. Chair of the Working Group Safeguarding Guidelines and Norms of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, Vatican. 15. Prof. Dr. Dr. Holger Zaborowski Professorship of philosophy, Catholic Theological Faculty, University of Erfurt. 16. Prof. Dr. Hans Zollner SJ President of its Centre for Child Protection and one of the leading experts on safeguarding and prevention of sexual abuse. Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, Professor at the Gregorian University (Rome). 17. Child Relief Services such as: Die Sternsinger, Aachen; Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk, Berlin; etc

[No data available.]

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 = wöchentlicher Termin , ET = Einzeltermin , AB = A- oder B-Woche , Vo = Vorbesprechung , Ex = Exkursion , Kl = Klausur , Tä, At, Wt = täglicher (Block-)Termin , nV = nach Vereinbarung/nicht festgelegt.  = wöchentlicher Termin (meets weekly) , ET = Einzeltermin (meets one time only) , AB = A- oder B-Woche (alternating: “A” or “B” weeks) , Vo = Vorbesprechung (preliminary meeting) , Ex = Exkursion (excursion/study trip) , Kl = Klausur (exam) , Tä, At, Wt = täglicher (Block-)Termin (meets daily/block seminar) , nV = nach Vereinbarung/nicht festgelegt (by appointment, TBA).

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AMG = AudiMaxGebäude , APS = AlteParteiSchule , FG = Forschungsgebäude , GH = Gartenhaus , GSH = Große Sporthalle , HdProjekte = Haus der Projekte , KSyn = Kleine Synagoge , LG = Lehrgebäude , MG = Mitarbeitergbäude , MTV Halle = Männerturnverein Halle , SH JP = Schwimmhalle Johannesplatz , WBS = Willy Brandt School , ZSG = Zentralschulgarten

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