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Middle East Conflict and Security

SS 2024

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Mi 03.04.2024–03.07.2024 16:00–18:00  C18-LG 4 | 03.05-D06
ET Mi 08.05.2024 14:00–16:00  C18-LG 4 | 03.04-D07

[No data available.]

M Pub 2020 604SPCSM#02 // S 3LP   ::252643::

The course will include an examination of the main processes of political change and security dynamics in the Middle East region, focusing particularly on developments since the 2011 Arab Spring while placing these in a historical context; and an examination and critical review of key perspectives for analyzing and understanding such developments in the region. Examination of regional and sub-regional security complexes in the region, and their interrelationships with societal political movements and involvement of international and global actors and factors. Examination of specific key issue areas, including characteristics and challenges of political structures and processes, and different security issues. These will include understanding political Islam in the region and its relationship with transnational jihadi; terrorist networks; civil wars and conflicts and their aftermath; the relationship between religious/ethnic identity, democratization, gender, state-building; the relationship between conflict, security and development; the politics and security of oil, gas and other natural resources in the region; and the regionally-specific challenges of arms control, disarmament and confidence-building.

[No data available.]

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 = wöchentlicher Termin , ET = Einzeltermin , AB = A- oder B-Woche , Vo = Vorbesprechung , Ex = Exkursion , Kl = Klausur , Tä, At, Wt = täglicher (Block-)Termin , nV = nach Vereinbarung/nicht festgelegt.  = wöchentlicher Termin (meets weekly) , ET = Einzeltermin (meets one time only) , AB = A- oder B-Woche (alternating: “A” or “B” weeks) , Vo = Vorbesprechung (preliminary meeting) , Ex = Exkursion (excursion/study trip) , Kl = Klausur (exam) , Tä, At, Wt = täglicher (Block-)Termin (meets daily/block seminar) , nV = nach Vereinbarung/nicht festgelegt (by appointment, TBA).

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AMG = AudiMaxGebäude , APS = AlteParteiSchule , FG = Forschungsgebäude , GH = Gartenhaus , GSH = Große Sporthalle , HdProjekte = Haus der Projekte , KSyn = Kleine Synagoge , LG = Lehrgebäude , MG = Mitarbeitergbäude , MTV Halle = Männerturnverein Halle , SH JP = Schwimmhalle Johannesplatz , WBS = Willy Brandt School , ZSG = Zentralschulgarten

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