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Education & Inequality in the US/UK

WS 2024

Teaching language

Di 15.10.2024–04.02.2025 12:00–14:00  C03-LG 1 | 339

B Ang 2021 LKIen#01 // S 3LP   ::::
MEd BS 2017 FWAEn#01 // Ku 3LP   ::::
MEd BS 2017 FWAEn#02 // Ku 3LP   ::::
MEd BS 2023 FWEn#01 // Ku 3LP   ::::
MEd BS 2023 FWEn#02 // V 3LP   ::::
ZS 801-SprK en#01 // Ku 3LP  ::::

In this course, we look at the intricate relationship between education and social inequality within the contexts of the United States and the United Kingdom. Education is often heralded as the great equalizer, offering pathways to social mobility and opportunity. However, the reality is far more complex, as educational systems can both perpetuate and challenge existing social hierarchies. Through a comparative lens, students will explore the historical, cultural, and structural factors that shape educational experiences and outcomes in these two nations. We will critically examine key themes such as access to education, quality of schooling, socioeconomic disparities, racial and ethnic inequalities, and the role of policy interventions. At the same time, all four language skills will be practiced and developed in context. A placement test score of 75+ points is required for participation.


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 = wöchentlicher Termin , ET = Einzeltermin , AB = A- oder B-Woche , Vo = Vorbesprechung , Ex = Exkursion , Kl = Klausur , Tä, At, Wt = täglicher (Block-)Termin , nV = nach Vereinbarung/nicht festgelegt.  = wöchentlicher Termin (meets weekly) , ET = Einzeltermin (meets one time only) , AB = A- oder B-Woche (alternating: “A” or “B” weeks) , Vo = Vorbesprechung (preliminary meeting) , Ex = Exkursion (excursion/study trip) , Kl = Klausur (exam) , Tä, At, Wt = täglicher (Block-)Termin (meets daily/block seminar) , nV = nach Vereinbarung/nicht festgelegt (by appointment, TBA).

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AMG = AudiMaxGebäude , APS = AlteParteiSchule , FG = Forschungsgebäude , GH = Gartenhaus , GSH = Große Sporthalle , HdProjekte = Haus der Projekte , KSyn = Kleine Synagoge , LG = Lehrgebäude , MG = Mitarbeitergbäude , MTV Halle = Männerturnverein Halle , SH JP = Schwimmhalle Johannesplatz , WBS = Willy Brandt School , ZSG = Zentralschulgarten

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